Evaluating the impact of Airport to Botany Rapid Transit

The Airport to Botany Rapid Transit project (A2B) will deliver a new public transport route between the airport, Manukau and Botany. It will improve accessibility in the southern and eastern areas of Auckland. It will also provide an important link in the rapid transit network, with connections to the rail network at Puhinui and Manukau stations and the Eastern Busway at Botany interchange.

This study compares the change in job-based PT accessibility before and after A2B. The assumptions used to model A2B in this study are as follows:

  • The A2B follows the preferred option presented in the SSBC.
  • The average bus speed is assumed to be 60 kph.
  • The headways are every 5 minutes.
  • The source of job data is the 2018 census.
  • The source of the street network data is open street map.
  • The source of the GTFS file is Auckland Transport (published on 22 December 2022).
  • The model is limited to AM peak (7 am to 9 am)
  • The waiting time for PT is averaged for AM peak to avoid fluctuation in PT accessibility.

This map underestimates the impact of the A2B because it does not factor in the PT system integration with the new A2B infrastructure. Existing PT routes are expected to change in response to A2B to maximise its ridership. Careful interpretation of the results, as always, is recommended.